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Important year end and start up information for families

Picture of Carol Gribling
Important year end and start up information for families
by Carol Gribling - Friday, 19 June 2020, 3:48 PM

Good afternoon parents/guardians/students,

This will likely be my last email to you this spring as we wind up this most unique school year.  Thank you all again for your patience, your flexibility and your communication with school staff as we have navigated some unusual and challenging territory.  It is in times like these that I am especially thankful that we have such a strong community of staff, students and families to work with.

What follows is some important information that pertains to the wrapping up of this school year and the starting up of next school year.

1) So far only about 1/2 of Parkland students have come in to clear out their lockers and pick up their 2020/21 timetables.  I am hoping that the remainder of Parkland students can come in to complete these important tasks:

  • ensure that all fees are paid up
  • clean out locker and take lock home
  • return all texts and library books
  • collect next year's timetable
  • collect yearbook (or purchase one) --optional

To spread students out we are asking that students come in on the following days (but we can accommodate students on any day if the allocated day doesn't work out):

  • A-C--Monday June 22nd
  • D-J--Tuesday June 23rd
  • K-Q--Wednesday June 24th
  • R-Z--Thursday June 25th

** grade 12s have been invited to come to school on Wednesday June 24th from 12-1pm to get their yearbooks signed and to say goodbye to their teachers so these year end tasks can be taken care of for the grade 12s at that time.

2) The 2020 Grade 12 virtual graduation ceremony will go live at 4:30 pm on Wednesday June 24th.  Please check the Parkland website on Wednesday for the link to watch this first-- and probably only--virtual grad event!

3)  Timetables:

If you see an error on your timetable or would like to request a timetable change, you can request an appointment with a counselor to look at possible adjustments.  To make an appointment go to Parkland website-->resources-->counselling-->book an appointment.

4)  Report cards:

Final report cards will be available for pick up the first two weeks of July (8am-3pm) from the main office.

5)  District Devices:

If you borrowed a Chromebook from the district this can be returned to the Parkland main office.

6)  September 2020/21 start up:

Within the next couple of weeks we are expecting the Ministry of Education to release some general information regarding what the structure for school in September might look like.  All this is dependent on the modeling and projections related to Covid-19.  Then mid/late August we will find out more detailed information.  BC's Education Restart Plan describes the five-stage approach for resuming in-class instruction in a measured way to align with the BC's restart plan.  For the month of June we have been in Stage 3 and the hope is that by September we will be in Stage 2 or Stage 1.  However, we have to be prepared to move either way on this continuum as we know that there could be a second wave of Covid-19.  You can expect to hear from our Superintendent before the end of the school year and then I suggest you pay close attention to both the district website and the Parkland website August 17th onwards.

Thank you and should you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact the office at Parkland.


Lizanne Chicanot
Parkland Secondary School