Topic outline

  • Learning Services Team at Parkland

    The Learning Services team is made of Integration Support, Learning Assistance, and Behaviour Support.  In addition to the teachers below, we collaborate with our counselling department, administration, and have a stellar group of Educational Assistants who provide in-class and individual support for our unique and diverse learners. 

    Although we work to support all students, Integration Support Teachers are responsible for students with special education designations. We work with your child, your family, and any outside agencies to ensure that your child's program fits their learning, social, and emotional needs. As a team, we support all students and run the Learning Centre, a supported block where all students can get assistance with their course work.

    We strive to support your child with the accommodations that they are entitled to. We aim to meet the needs and interests of our students and we build programming and support from there. Our vision and philosophy place the student first and as a result, our person-centered planning helps us to give your child a successful educational experienceBeing a small school, we are proud to maintain close relationships with all students and are able to provide a high ratio of support for our diverse learners. We have, and continue to, successfully support individuals with social, emotional, academic, and behavioural needs. Parkland is known for our excellent Special Education services.

    Our team consists of:


         Aimee Bancroft                 Curtis Hobson                Jessica Patten             Stephanie Simpson            Erin Stinson                  Wendy Anderson            Jason Earnshaw


    Aimee Bancroft
    Aimee joined the Learning Services team in 2009. Aimee serves as the Learning Services Department Head, as well, she currently teaches Comparative Cultures. Aimee can be reached at 

    Curtis Hobson
    Curtis joined the Learning Services team in 2011. Curtis works with low-incidence and assisted living students, as well, he teaches IB Theory of Knowledge and is the Educational Assistant Coordinator. Curtis can be reached at

    Jessica Patten
    Jessica joined the Learning Services team in 2017. Jessica also serves as the ELL coordinator and English Department Head. Jessica can be reached at

    Stephanie Simpson
    Stephanie joined the Learning Services team in 2021. Stephanie also teaches Social Studies and Physical Education. Stephanie can be reached at

    Erin Stinson
    Erin joined the Learning Services team in 2000. Erin currently serves as the International Baccalaureate (IB) Coordinator, as well, she teaches Marine Biology, Geography, and Social Justice. Erin can be reached at

    Wendy Anderson
    Wendy joined the Learning Services team in 2018. Wendy is a counsellor at Parkland who works closely with students with behavioural needs and our International students. Wendy can be reached at

    Jason Earnshaw
    Jason joined the Learning Services team in 2019. As Parkland’s Vice Principal, Jason collaborates daily with our Learning Services team and student needs. Jason can be reached at

    Parent Testimonials

    "Thank you so much... You have always been so ready to help when these time have come up at home and school."

    "I'm so happy that this year is going well,  thank you (and your staff) for all your support!"

    "You are the first teacher that actually listens to my concerns and understands what I am dealing with on a daily basis."

    Student Testimonial

    "Just wanted to say thank you! My transcript arrived yesterday and it's now up to date. Also, a big thank you for all that you've done for me and helped me with over the years. You've had a huge positive impact on my life. I can't say thank you enough times to seem satisfied with it being enough."