Daily Announcements

Thursday, April 17,2014

Picture of Sue Pritchard
Thursday, April 17,2014
by Sue Pritchard - Thursday, 17 April 2014, 10:19 AM

Thursday, April 17, 2014


Attention Grads: Masters of Ceremonies nomination forms, Valedictorian nominations forms and Musical Audition forms are available on the Grad board. All applications and nominations are due April 30, 2014.

Are you planning to bring a guest to the Grad Dinner/Dance and AfterGrad ?– Pick up your guest forms package today !

 RCMP officers will be here on Thursday at lunch by the bike racks to engrave your bikes. Please bring your driver's licence number or your parent's driver's licence number to be engraved on your bike.  If your bike gets stolen or lost, this will help identify it.  Free!

 The Senior Girls Soccer Team has their last home game of the season this Thursday at 3:45 at Blue Heron. Come out and support your Panthers as they take on SMUS

Any Grade 12 student  currently taking a SIDES course must meet Mr. Choo in the fishbowl computer lab at lunch on Thursday to show him that you have completed your course and are eligible to graduate.  If you have not completed your SIDES course you must write Ms. Chicanot a letter if you wish to be considered for an extension.

Do you have an idea for a movie or TV show? Write up a one-page idea and email it to myscript@schoolcreative.com. First prize is $100 in Cineplex Odeon Tickets. Deadline is June 1. See Mrs. Shook for more details!

ALL GRADS:"Parkland Community Scholarships" offer excellent opportunity for scholarships based on participation in non-academic areas such as community service, fine arts, applied skills, technology, second languages, nursing, teaching, or horticulture. Make sure that you get the correct application form from Mr. Choo, or by downloading pdf from Mr. Choo's email. Think of it as money acknowledging something you've already done well! Over $40,000 available. Deadline: Wed, April 30th - no extensions.

All Grads who signed up to be on the Grad Committee please come to a lunch meeting this Thursday April 17, 2014 in room 206.

For all those Grade 11 & 12 students interested in going on a trip to Camosun to research post secondary programs and options on Thursday, May 1st, please see Mr. Buckham to pick up a permission form. This is a half day trip in the morning only, you will be back in time to attend your afternoon classes."

Did you know that Tuesday is Earth Day? Help celebrate a week of Earth friendly activities and have your name entered into a prize draw. Tuesday is Transport Tuesday and the Green Team challenges you to find a sustainable way to school. Walk, bike, longboard or take the bus! Come see us in the front foyer for free Fair Trade Coffee, in your own mug, or some Fair Trade chocolate.

Tuesday: Tomorrow is Water Bottle Wednesday in our Earth Week celebrations. Bring your own refillable water bottle and be entered into the draw.

Wednesday: Come see the Green Team in the foyer tomorrow at lunch to pledge your promise to help support the planet we all call home. Free Fair Trade coffee and chocolate sales continue.

Thursday: Tomorrow is the last day of our Earth Week celebrations and the Green Team challenges you to bring a waste-free lunch to school. That's right, nothing in your lunch that can't be composted or recycled. Come see us in the foyer and show us your waste-free lunch to be entered into the prize draw.

REMINDER TO ALL STUDENTS ABOUT EASTER WEEKEND: No school, Good Friday, April 18, and no school, Easter Monday, April 21. See you Tuesday April 22!

SATURDAY APRIL 26 – PARKLAND COMMUNITY FLEA MARKET – from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. - All proceeds to Parkland Grad Class; community table rental available @ $20; donations gladly accepted. Call 250-655-2700 for info.

CINDERELLA FAMILY SHOW @ Parkland SATURDAY APRIL 26 – 1 p.m. - $10 per family, no matter how many kids come along! All proceeds from this interactive show go to our theatre program!


ALL GRADS: Please submit your baby photos by May 1 to: parklandgradphotos14@gmail.com, or give to: Nicola, Deanalei, or Joad to scan.

New ChatterHigh competition now underway.Win great prizes for yourself while helping the school earn money! Go to Chatterhigh.com today to sign up.


METAL RECYCLING FUNDRAISER: Friday May 9 to Monday May 26 – bins Parkland back parking lot – thank you for your support of Parkland Rowing!

Please come to Parkland Learning Commons to check out our newest collection of First Nations books - Fiction, Non-Fiction, Graphic Novels, and Cookbooks! mysteries, biographies, histories and fun stories of the trickster! Check one out today!

Volunteers needed for 3 Elementary School Track Meet
s at Centennial Park on Wednesdays: April 16th, 23rd, & 30th. Marshalling jobs receive 6 hours towards 30 hour volunteer experience. Please see Mr. Buckham to sign up - this easy volunteer contribution makes a BIG difference in the lives of 4th & 5th graders !! "



Wednesday April 16 – Kyle Dong versus Team Loftus

Thursday April 17 – Teachers versus Doxey

Attention student athletes:  ROW TO THE PODIUM EVENT rescheduled to TUESDAY MAY 13, at lunch in room 114. If you are interested in finding out if you have what it takes to be an Olympic rower, please come. Podium search event to be held at PISE on May 25th.




Thinking of going to Camosun in the future?? Interested in talking to faculty, staff, and students? Want to experience some hands on activities, and check out the services offered to students.

Please come and see Ms. McNamee in the Career Centre for more information!

Student volunteers wanted for: May 2 Sidney School Spring Fair; May 10 Sidney Preschool Spring Fair; May 16 Falcon Gymnastic Event at Panorama. Please see Ms. McNamee to make a community contributin, and earn some voluanteer credits.

LNG Conference – Vancouver Convention Center – May 22  STUDENT CONFERENCE

The Youth Experience at the conference will allow students to gain a better understanding of what LNG is and how this industry can play a part in their future career and lives.

The Youth Experience is a half-day (three-hour) program where students can expect to:

  • Learn about Liquefied Natural Gas and jobs in this industry

  • Identify careers paths that reflect their skills and interests via a WorkBC program

  • Experience hands-on interactive workshops hosted by LNG companies and Skills Canada British Columbia

  • Interact with B.C. post-secondary institutions and explore what programs they have to offer related to the LNG industry

  • Discover the depth and breadth of the LNG industry through guided tours of the conference trade show which will have over 150 B.C. and international exhibitors onsite

If you are intereste,d please see Ms. McNamee ASAP

Attention Grade 11 or 12 students.  Do you like to get your hands dirty!! Are you a future Horticulturist? Science, technology and art of plant cultivation, from gardens to multinational corporations. Horticulturists can work in industry, government, educational institutions or private collections. It is a 10 month program at Camosun starting July 2nd. If you are interested, see Ms McNamee asap!

CFB ESQUIMALT LOOKING FOR STUDENTS INTERESTED IN APPRENTICESHIP WORK: Positions July 2, 2014 to August 29th, 2014 - Please see Ms. McNamee ASAP .Deadline for Application April 30th.

YOUTH EMPLOYMENT PROGRAM: Looking for employment training, volunteering and paid work...check out Beacon Community Services. Upcoming Activities & Courses: April 27 Retail Training; May 18 Master Gardeners. See Ms. McNamee.

CAMOSUN COLLEGE Centre for Sport & Exercise Education sessions: April 17, May 15, for Programs information. Direct Admissions & Recruitment inquiries to Education Support Services – deadlines for fall & winter entry upcoming.

MUSIC REHEARSALS before school:

Wed a.m. – JAZZ BAND;Thurs a.m. – SR CONCERT BAND;Fri a.m. – VOCAL MUSIC.


BAGEL BREAKFAST: BAGELS/JUICE Mon, Tues & Thurs, upper mezz, each 25 cents.

AFTER SCHOOL LEARNING SUPPORT: Wednesday & Friday - Room 115, after school.

ACADEMIC TUTORIAL: Mon, Tues, Wed, & Thurs - in Learning Commons, after school