The CCGS Vector is a Coast Guard vessel dedicated to scientific research (and search and rescue when needed). The water sampling rosette shown below is a collection of 24 Niskin bottles that can collect water from any depth within the Salish Sea. The water can then be analyzed for dissolved oxygen, salinity, nutrients, chlorophyll, particulates, and inorganic carbon content. Below the bottles are instruments to measure water conductivity, temperature, and pressure (depth).
Mr. Hilton gets some training from Steve Romaine and Tamara Fraser at the water sampling rosette. Mr. Romaine is a biologist and Ms. Fraser is a chemist working at the Institute of Ocean Sciences in Patricia Bay. Temperature of the water is recorded as it is drawn from the rosette. In this case, the sample is then taken into the lab for determination of dissolved oxygen content by titration using the ‘Winkler Method’.
The ship and its crew are sampling water 24 hours per day. The team of six scientists and the ships crew of thirteen work two twelve hour shifts from noon to midnight and midnight to noon. While the work is continuous, you can’t ignore some of the scenery. This picture was taken in Malaspina Strait between sampling stations.
(Edited by Carol Gribling - original submission Friday, 24 June 2016, 10:33 AM)