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Parkland Students Honoured at TASK Graduation Night

Picture of Scott Arnold
Parkland Students Honoured at TASK Graduation Night
by Scott Arnold - Friday, 13 January 2017, 5:54 PM

At the TASK (Trade, Awareness Skills and Knowledge) Graduation night, many Parkland students were honoured for their attitude, skills, and improvement. During this 5 month program, students learned Joinery, Carpentry, Sheet Metal, Electrical, Plumbing, and took part in a Thompson Rivers University Welding Program. Parkland is extremely Proud of these students. Some will be returning to Parkland and others pursing their career pathways at a post secondary institute.

Parkland TASK Graduates (left to right):
Jamie Trivett, Simon James (Past TASK grad Daryl Tom), Johnny Ray Wamiss, Josh Moore, Nolan Hinse and Tyrone James (Kyle Page missing from group photo)

TASK Grad Group Photo

TASK Grad Individual Photos