Front Page News

Teacher Job Action

Picture of Sue Pritchard
Teacher Job Action
by Sue Pritchard - Monday, 31 October 2011, 2:46 PM

Message to Parents re Teacher Job Action

As you have likely heard through media reports, the Minister of Education has made it clear that school districts are to comply with the law in regard to distribution of report cards, the first of which is normally completed and sent home in November. With t eachers' province-wide job action including non-completion of report cards, it is possible that the November report cards will be distributed with only the name of the teacher and grade or subject along with attendance information. Additionally, if a child is taught by a vice-principal or principal the usual report card information will be provided for that child in the class(es) taught by that administrator.

This matter is currently in front of the Labour Relations Board, as the BC Public School Employers Association (BCPSEA) has requested that the essential services order granted in the first week of September be amended to make report card preparation and distribution an essential service that must be completed by teachers. We expect a ruling on that application in the first week of November.

In the meantime, the British Columbia Teachers Federation (BCTF) strike continues, with phase one province-wide job action meaning that teachers are legally able to stand down from a wide range of activities ranging from attending meetings with administrators to doing playground supervision. We all continue to hope for a positive resolution to the contract discussions underway between the BCTF and the BCPSEA.

Keven Elder

Superintendent of Schools