Front Page News

Parkland launches fundraising campaign for a new track

Picture of Carol Gribling
Parkland launches fundraising campaign for a new track
by Carol Gribling - Monday, 2 November 2020, 12:19 PM

The current Parkland track was installed almost 35 years ago in 1986 and is well past its best before date.  The land that the track sits on belongs to the Memorial Park Society and is leased by School District 63 for Parkland.  A small committee of dedicated volunteers has been working hard to launch this campaign.  We are very excited to engage the Parkland and Peninsula community in this project.  Please help spread the word!  Check out the plan at  
If you have any questions or ideas, please contact Parkland Principal Lizanne Chicanot ( or Brad Edgett, Executive Director of the Mary Winspear Centre (  If you would like to make a donation please follow the links on the Parkland Track 2021 website.