On October 1, 2012 students from Niimi Japan visited Parkland
Shortly afterwards we received the thank you below:
Oct. 10th, 4p.m., the delegation made a report to Mayor Ishigaki on their visit with attendance of a councilor of Niimi, Niimi city officials and students' parents. Deputy Mayor Shibata showed photos that he took at Parkland Secondary School and everyone was pleased to see how the students enjoyed studying there. The students reported what they have achieved in English, and that impressed everyone. We owe the success in this program to you. We cannot thank you enough. We also wish someday students of Parkland Secondary School will have an opportunity to visit Niimi. Best wishes for your future and please give our regards to teachers and students who took care of Niimi students.
Sincerely, Masami Nishiyama Niimi City Hall
Naomi Sugi Niimi Board of Education