Front Page News

To Parkland Parents/Guardians/Students (May 15, 2020)

Picture of Carol Gribling
To Parkland Parents/Guardians/Students (May 15, 2020)
by Carol Gribling - Friday, 15 May 2020, 3:42 PM

Good afternoon Parents/Guardians/Students, 

I hope you are all doing well and I expect that most if not all of you are paying close attention to the news as we begin to shift out of some of the Covid-19 restrictions.  BC's restart program indicates that we are now moving into Phase 2 and re-engaging a number of components of our economy.  Some restrictions are being lifted.  As of June 1st we will be entering into Phase 3 of the restart plan and this involves a partial and voluntary return to school for students.  You would have received an email from Dave Eberwein our superintendent earlier today.  One of the first steps in the many things that we will need to do at the district and school level is to get a sense of how many students will be electing to return to school in June.  It would be very helpful if you could  fill in the following survey by 9am May 19th

I want you all to rest assured that we will be following every safety protocol set out by the Ministry guidelines.  We will take the next two weeks to ensure that we have all the necessary safety protocols in place before some students start to return on June 1st.  Remote learning will continue for all students but the opening of schools will enable the opportunity for students to get some in person support from their teachers for their course work. 

I am very excited by this news and am very much looking forward to seeing students.  You will likely have many questions and for now I would ask that you be patient as we work through all the details required to make this a successful re-engagement.  If you do have any pressing concerns please do not hesitate to get in touch with me. 

Take care and enjoy the long weekend.

Lizanne Chicanot
Principal, Parkland Secondary School