Hello Parents/Guardians/Students,
I hope that you all enjoyed the wonderful weather that we had over the weekend. It certainly feels like summer is not too far off. I wanted to share with you a few updates and information items as we continue with our remote learning.
1) At this point we have no further information from Dr. Bonnie Henry or the Ministry of Education regarding any possible resumption of face to face learning. We are expecting an update after the long weekend and hope to hear some specifics should we have to make any changes to the remote learning model we have been engaged with. As soon as we get any information I will be sure to share that with you.
2) Yesterday I sent an email to all grad 2020 families indicating that the district has made the decision that there will be no UVic graduation ceremonies or Dinner/Dance celebrations in June. Instead they have hired a production company to create a "virtual" graduation which will be pre-recorded and released at the end of June. https://www.sd63.bc.ca/news/superintendents-covid-19-qa
3) The district Career department is active and is posting many job and further training opportunities. You may want to check out the offerings https://careered.sd63.bc.ca/
4) The Parkland PAC would like your help in creating this year's staff appreciation. From PAC-->
Parkland families, we need your help to show our appreciation for our awesome staff! In a typical year we would be hosting a staff appreciation lunch but with school closure we have come up with a plan that shows our thanks while respecting physical distancing.
We will be creating a thank you video from Parkland students and families to staff. All we need you to do is get creative and take a photograph showing your appreciation. Create a sign, wear your Parkland spirit gear, hold some flowers...get as creative as you want! We'd love to get as many pictures as we can - students, parents, even family pets can get in the action!
Just snap your thank you shot (landscape orientation please - portrait doesn't work as well in this case) and email it to ksbenson@shaw.ca by May 15. We'll take care of the rest!
5) A reminder that Friday is a non-instructional day and Monday is a statutory holiday so there won't be instruction or tutorial support over the long weekend. For those students that haven't managed to keep up with the assigned work, this coming weekend could be a great opportunity for them to get caught up.
Thank you for your continued support in your son/daughter's remote learning. We are all looking forward to re-engaging in person as soon as we are able. Please reach out to your son/daughter's teachers, to our Student Support team or to me directly if there is anything further that we can do to help you.
Lizanne Chicanot
Principal, Parkland Secondary School