Marine Trades
Welcome to a unique trades program at Parkland Secondary that offers much more than just fun...though it is a lot of fun, too!
Parkland Marine Trades gives students a range of opportunities: It allows students to earn post-secondary credits and apprenticeships as well as earning certifications and skills required for work or recreational use.
The marine industry is a major employer in our region and, like other industries, has become a complex, high-tech enterprise which generates a demand for skilled employees in a variety of areas. This program offers students a chance to go hands-on with their education.
Parkland Marine Trades is actively developing partnerships with businesses and employers on the Saanich peninsula. Students will have an opportunity to gain work experience credits by working at a marine-based industry in our own community. Students will be guided to post-secondary training institutes where they can further their studies in a number of marine-based trades. A number of dual credit opportunities are available to senior students as well. Parkland Marine Trades students can begin their trades training, gain high school and college credit and have post-secondary course tuition paid for.
Marine Service Tech Application Package (PDF)
Brochure, Quadrant Marine: MST Program (PDF)
Brochure, Parkland: MST Program (PDF)